Owning a mobile home in Florida offers a unique and potentially cost-effective housing option. However, the legalities surrounding mobile homes can differ slightly from those of traditional houses. One of the key questions new owners often ask is, “Does a mobile home have property tax in Florida?” Like many things in legalese, the answer depends on the specific situation.

Does a mobile home have property tax in Florida

Mobile Home Taxation in Florida: Two Paths

Florida taxes mobile homes in two distinct ways, depending on how the home is situated:

  1. Taxed as Tangible Personal Property: Mobile homes that meet the criteria for an “MH decal” (issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles) and don’t have a current “RP” (real property) decal will be taxed as tangible personal property. This means an annual license (decal) tax is levied instead of property tax.
  2. Taxed as Real Property: Florida law requires a mobile home to be classified as real property if the owner permanently affixes it to land and the home meets specific criteria (tied down and connected to utilities). In this case, the mobile home will be assessed a property tax bill annually, similar to a traditional house.

There are distinct advantages to having your mobile home classified as real property. First, you can apply for the Florida homestead exemption, which can significantly reduce your annual property tax burden. Second, real property tends to appreciate over time, while a mobile home, as tangible personal property, typically depreciates.

The Legal Landscape of Mobile Home Ownership in Florida

Beyond taxation, understanding the legal framework surrounding mobile home ownership in Florida is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of some key aspects:

  • Title: Like any property, a mobile home requires a title documenting ownership. The title is issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) and serves as legal proof of ownership.
  • Department of Motor Vehicles (DHSMV): The DHSMV plays a significant role in mobile home ownership. It issues titles, registers mobile homes and collects license (decal) taxes for those not classified as real property.
  • Insurance: Mobile home insurance is highly recommended, similar to homeowner’s insurance. It protects against damage caused by fire, theft, weather events, and other covered perils.
  • Land Lease Agreement (if applicable): If your mobile home resides in a home park, you’ll likely have a land lease agreement with the park owner. This agreement outlines your rights and responsibilities regarding the lot your mobile home sits on, including monthly fees and park rules.
  • Other Legal Documents: Additional documents may be necessary depending on the specific situation. These could include permits for permanent affixation to land, association agreements (if part of a mobile home park), and historical title searches to ensure a clear ownership history.

Navigating the Legalities: Resources and Considerations

Understanding the legalities surrounding mobile home ownership can be complex. Here are some resources and considerations to help you navigate the process:

  • Florida Department of Revenue: The Florida Department of Revenue website provides comprehensive information on mobile home taxation, including eligibility for the homestead exemption: https://floridarevenue.com/taxes/eservices/Pages/filepay.aspx
  • County Property Appraiser: Each Florida county has a property appraiser’s office that can clarify your specific mobile home’s classification (real property vs. tangible personal property) and answer questions about property tax assessments.
  • Legal Counsel: Consulting with a lawyer specializing in real estate or mobile home ownership is recommended for complex legal situations or disputes.


Whether or not a mobile home has property tax in Florida depends on its classification as real property or tangible personal property. Understanding the legalities surrounding titles, the Department of Motor Vehicles, insurance, land lease agreements, and other documents is crucial for any Florida mobile home owner. By utilizing the resources provided and seeking legal counsel when necessary, you can ensure a smooth and legally sound mobile home ownership experience in the Sunshine State.


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