There is no questioning the fact that summer is here in full force within the greater Sarasota Florida area.
Temperatures are coming up each day, the sun is out later and many of the mobile home parks within the greater Sarasota Florida area are far less busy without the regular influx of snowbirds in the area.
Thinking of heading out for the remainder of the summer to try and beat the heat?
If so, here are 3 actions you need to take to keep your mobile home safe and secure while you are gone.
Mobile Home in Florida
Action 1: Turn Off Your Mobile Home Water
Most mobile homes have a water shutoff valve that, with one lever pull, will turn off the water to the entire house. Usually, this valve is at the back of the home and has either a red or blue plastic lever. Pulling it up or down will turn on or off the water for the entire mobile home. The reason why we suggest you do this is that mobile home plumbing fixtures can wear out over time and cause leaks. What you do not want is to be away from your mobile home for weeks or months on end only to return to see a large amount of water damage to your home. We always suggest if you are going to be away from your mobile home for more than a week at a time always look to shut off the water so that you keep your home nice and try for your return.
Action 2: Seal Your Roof
It is no secret that in the Sunshine State, we get exactly that, tons of sunshine! Sealing your roof every few years with a clear rubber seal will help elongate the life of your mobile home roof. As we have covered several times on the Blog, a mobile home roof is one of the most expensive parts of your mobile home, and not paying attention to the regular upkeep and maintenance of the roof can lead to your mobile home roof creating cracks which eventually can lead to leaks in your roof. To avoid that and to get the most life out of your roof always look to seal your roof at least every two years.
Action 3 Keep Up With Pest Spraying
In the greater Sarasota, Florida area and all throughout the state termites are a major concern for all homeowners regardless of what type of home you own. Many times we see that homeowners will not keep up on their pest sprays while they are not living in the home for concern of paying for a service that they will not be able to enjoy. We can not stress how bad of an idea this is! Due to the flooring structure of a mobile home being wood, it is imperative all mobile homeowners keep up with their spraying services year-round regardless of if or when they will be away from their property.
If termite damage becomes severe enough, then a mobile home may have to go through the tinting process in order to deeply clean it, if you will, the home, for termites and termite damage.
As mentioned in a previous video blog here on the site, a tinting service can be so serious that the entire home needs to have all food, pets, and people, removed for several days in order for the entire process to be completed.
Add to all of this headache, is the cost of the tinting, which can run well over $2,000 for a double-wide mobile home tint job, from front to back. Many full tint jobs will need to be done not only on the home itself, but also on the carport, the support beams, and all storage areas both attached to the home and in the backyard.
It is a really serious process when it comes to termite application through the tinting process!
All of this may be avoided if the quarterly pest service includes termite treatment.
What we have learned is that when hiring a pest spraying service, make sure that the service professional goes forward and actually does the termite treatment each and every time they come to your house. This will cost more, but it can save you thousands and thousands of dollars in the future if it is not done. Not only that but also the headache.
Mobile Home in Florida
One of the many great things about living in a mobile home within the greater Sarasota Florida area is the fact that all one has to do is lock the home up and go on your next adventure without worrying about who is cutting the grass or if the pool maintenance will be kept up while you are away as mobile home living is really a carefree way of life. The key, though, is to remember these basic points above so that when you return back to your mobile home you are not surprised by some very costly repairs, many of which can be avoided by having a simple check sheet to ensure your home is safe, dry and free of critters when you return from your travels!
The Mobile Home Dealer are licensed mobile home brokers in Sarasota Florida and the surrounding areas. We provide professional buy and/or sell assistance to our clients. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us by clicking this link. You may also visit our Facebook Page and send us a message.
This is Mark Kaiser with The Mobile Home Dealer and we help mobile home Buyers and Sellers get to a better place in life.
See Also:
- Can You Buy A Mobile Home With Bad Credit?
- How You CAN Buy A Mobile Home Online!
- Who Are Mobile Home Park Managers?
- Will Sarasota Florida Mobile Homes Rise In Price?!
- Will You See A Return On Upgrades To Your Sarasota Mobile Home?