When looking to sell your Sarasota mobile home do you need to locate the title that goes with the home?
Do titles really even matter?
This is a question that we here at The Mobile Home Dealer face on a regular basis when we are working with clients who are looking to have us sell their mobile homes for them quickly.
When buying or selling a mobile home on leased land in Florida it is important to note that these mobile homes are viewed and taxed in the same way a vehicle is in the state of Florida. Meaning, these homes come with titles and not deeds with them for the sale or purchase of the home.
The title to a mobile home is a legal document from the state of Florida that states whose name the home is in, what, if any, liens are on the home and detailed information about the home such as the year of the home, make/model, and VIN number. All of this information can be found on the front of the title paperwork.
The Winds Of Saint Armands mobile home
On the back of the title, it will state who is buying the mobile home and for how much.
If you do not have a title or can not seem to locate the title paperwork it is not a big deal. If this is the case then you, as the owner of the home, will need to go down to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and apply for a duplicate title. There will be a fee associated with this request and you will be required to present identification and some sort of purchase agreement or bill of sale that states you are the one who physically owns the home.
Usually, a duplicate title can be printed off on the same day so long as you have the required information when you enter the DMV.
When you are looking to buy a mobile home in the Sarasota area make sure you physically see the title paperwork with the current owner’s information listed on the front of the title before buying the home to ensure you are purchasing the home from the correct person who has the authority to sell the home you are buying. If you are working with a licensed mobile home broker, like The Mobile Home Dealer, then we will be taking care of this step for you as all homes we sell need to have the title on hand so that we can verify who is selling the mobile home can actually complete the transaction.
When looking to buy or sell a mobile home throughout the Sarasota Florida area it is important you get all of your documentation in order prior to moving forward with the purchase. One of the main components of this documentation gathering is to ensure you have the title for your mobile home located and ready to sign over to the new owner.
The following additional information from the Florida Justice Center will help you understand more about your mobile home title.
A guide for obtaining and protecting mobile home titles and records
The title of your mobile home is the most important legal document that you will have in order to demonstrate the ownership of your mobile home. Before buying a mobile home, make sure the seller has a valid title with his name in him as the owner. Examine the seller’s title carefully and make sure there are no sections that are either crossed out or deleted. Because if this is the case, the title may not be valid.
At the time of sale, make sure that the signs of the seller and its impressions or its name are on the right part of the document. The seller must also write the purchase price and the sale date. You must sign and print your name on the document of the document buyer.
Once the title is filled by you and the seller, you must take it to the local tax collector’s office, along with your current driver’s license, passport, or other valid state identification to have a new title issued in your name.
Registration or label
The law requires that each mobile home be registered with the tax collector. Each mobile home must have a valid registration decal that is placed on the front window of the home so it is easily readable from the street that provides the main access to the house.
For sale mobile home in Florida
Registration for mobile homes must be renewed after October 1 and before December 31 of each year.. Double and triple-wide mobile houses must have a registration decal for each section of the mobile home.
Keep your mobile home record to date and remember to put the registration sticker in the right place. You could receive a fine if the registration of your mobile home has expired!
What should I do if I lose the title of my mobile home?
If the title is in your name, all you have to do is go to the tax collector’s office, deliver a copy of your driver’s license, passport, or other valid state identification issued, and complete a request for a duplicate title. If the title was not in your name, you will have to look for the vehicular identification number (VIN) and talk to your Local Legal Services Office or a private lawyer to obtain help.
- Keep your title in a safe place.
- If you have to evacuate your mobile home due to a storm, take the title together with your important personal documents.
This is Mark Kaiser with The Mobile Home Dealer and we help mobile home Buyers and Sellers get to a better place in life.
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